Monday, April 25, 2011

What does this Mean?

I have to share something with you all.  I'm not entirely sure what it means, and I'm still thinking about it, trying to figure it out.

As many of you know, my mother passed away 2 years ago, and it totally devastated me.  She was not only my mother, but my best friend and my clay partner, too.  We did shows and workshops together, shared a kiln and glazes, and we could bounce creative ideas and goals off each other any hour of the day.

So imagine my surprise the other day, when I was flipping through a recent issue of Ceramics Monthly (all you clay heads know what I'm talking about), and I saw an ad for Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts.  My mother and I had taken a sculpture workshop there, probably 4 or 5 years ago, and just had a ball.  Anyway, in this ad, they had a picture of my mother's hands and the sculpture she was working on.  I knew instantly that was my mother's hands and I recognized the sculpture too.  There was no doubt in my mind.  And do you guys know what a Ceiva Picture Frame is??  It's one of those digital frames where the photos rotate each day - well, on the same day I found the ad, photos from that workshop were on the Ceiva, and I was able to double check the ad with the photos on the Ceiva.  Yep, those were my mom's hands.  Kinda cool, but it kinda made my heart clench too.  What did this mean?  Was my mom telling me to get back in the studio and quit faffing around??  What do you guys make of this??  I need some female insight to help me figure this one out!!

And by the way, if you've never heard of the Arrowmont school, you should totally check it out.  Awesome, awesome place that has lots of workshops and I'd love to go back.  It's in Tennessee, for anybody close by... And if you decide to go, let me know, I'd enjoy taking another workshop there.  Those guys are great!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!