Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm actually still here :)

I wanted you all to know that I am actually still here!!  I have THE MOST unreliable internet connection - ever.  You'd think that I live in the middle of jungle by the trouble I have with my internet.  Yes, we did move out to the country, but we are not so far out that we can't have the luxuries of civilization!  We are using the Verizon MIFI for our internet and it just craps out on me all the time for one reason or another. Not to mention that it's slow as all-get-out!  What I may start doing is taking my laptop to a wifi coffee shop once a week and try to get in a little internet time that way.  It's just that it's a little more difficult with a 5 week old baby.  (Is she really already 5 weeks old???)  You just never know how the baby is going to behave, but I guess that kind of thing will last the rest of my life :) I should get used to it.

In the meantime, I have slowly been working on a text painting, like I blogged about here.  We have a curved wall in our new house by the front door and I've been thinking about what kind of artwork we could hang there.  Because of the curve, a large flat painting wouldn't work, so I've decided to make a painting out of 4 canvas panels that are each 10" x 30".  I'm turning them vertically and will mount them side by side so that they can turn the curve of the wall without too much space behind the canvases.  I like this idea and sure hope it works!  Here's the four canvases lined up on my table.  I've been collaging them with torn brown paper bags, and that took forever!!  I didn't think I'd ever get through that task... And now I've just started putting gesso on them.  You can see I've got two more to go.

While the gesso is wet, I'm stamping or carving texture and words into the wetness.  I'm using narrative words or phrases that go with the meaning of the painting, as well as stamps that fit the concept.  I'll share that meaning with you later :)

So you can see I'm trying to set up a lot of texture and hopefully the next layers of paint and pastels will accentuate these. :)

In other news, I just got word that I'm accepted into my favorite retail show for next March!  Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do about not having a clay studio set up.... Hmmmm...

Hope all of you are doing great!  Until next time~