Monday, October 10, 2011

A little craft for the baby's room

First of all, I wanted to say Thanks for the comments on the last post.  I was wondering if anybody would read my post, since I've been posting so intermittently! I'm still lurking around Blogland when I get time :)

So, I have seen a variety of these around on the web and in person, and I've always loved how they looked!  And so easy too - just right for a busy mom of two (like myself!) I decided to make some for the baby's room and I'm so glad I did.  It is a great project that you can stop and start when you need to run off in a different direction all the times, like I do.

I got on Etsy and bought lots of awesome fabric, to get me inspired to drag out my ancient sewing machine.  It worked.  I headed to Michael's and bought these embroidery rings in various sizes and some white felt.  I already had some pink thread so I knew I was ready to get started.

I steamed out the wrinkles in the fabric, and cut out the letters out of the white felt.  After cutting the fabric down to size, I pinned the letter on to the fabric and got to sewing in a zig zag line.  I wanted to use my free motion foot for the sewing machine, but of course, I can't find it after moving.  I guess it's still in a box somewhere.  So I used the regular foot on my machine and for the most part it worked just fine.  The hardest letter to do was the "e" since the whole letter is basically made up of curves :)

After I stitched on the letters, I inserted it into the ring, making sure to get the little tightener knob at the top of the letter.  I then used a glue gun on the back side of the ring and glued down the excess fabric to the inside of the ring.

All done!  I just put a little nail in the wall and hung the tightener on that.  Simple!

Hope everyone is doing well, and I promise to start blogging again more frequently.  The baby is already 7 weeks old!

Happy October!