Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Needs Love

Sometimes little Baby Marley just need to be held. Tonight was one of those nights. And I found myself willing to put everything else aside, just for her. To do whatever she needed. I was willing to skip time in the studio, skip movie time with hubby, anything, just to be with her. I wish I could bottle up this feeling, this reverence for the mother/daughter bond. It is so strong and so physical. I can FEEL it in my body. What amazes me is that someone needs me that much. That someone gets that much comfort from being in my arms. It is an overwhelming feeling. Everything feels so BIG, and I feel so small, but it all feels so vital, so important. I wish I could hang onto this feeling, but tomorrow is another day, with other feelings to be felt. We will wake up, have coffee, and start another day. I will fix lunch for the munchkin, we will go to the gym and then get work done. And it will be another day altogether.

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