Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blogging Block Continues...

 I don't know what has come over me!  I'm hoping that it's pregnancy hormones (I'm now 22 weeks!) but I am just crazy these days.   I fluctuate from being on a total high and feeling so, so happy, to feeling like a slug and unmotivated... Hmmmm... this is rather unusual for me, so that's why I think it must be a little pregnancy-induced madness.   My poor husband - I feel kind of bad for him.  I think he must not know what to expect each day!

I read a blog on Sunday, though,  entitled "Lately, I've been _______" that really spoke to me.  It made it me get off the computer and head for the art journal.  I felt the need to get some things off my chest and didn't want to spend too much time doodling, sketching and making things pretty.  So I just took a page that already had some color on it and started on it.   Here's a peek at what the final product was...
 Anyway, hope all of you are doing great and having a wonderful, creative week!  I'm heading out to the studio now to get in some work while the kiddo naps on this rainy day...
