Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finished Journal Page

I've been feeling at a loss lately for blog posts, and so I decided to show you the finished version of the things I showed you in the most recent post.  I actually like how this one turned out, and that you can see some of the stamps in the background through the sketched features of the face.  I did end up printing face sketch onto vellum and then glued it on top of the background. 

I have also been playing around with my website, adding more content and fleshing it out a bit.  If you care to have a peek, look here.   Please let me know what you think!

Hopefully, my writer's block will fade away soon.  I've been in a quiet mood lately, and have been getting out of the studio recently for afternoon walks, and sketching under a tree in my yard.  It all feels like good stuff for the creative soul.

Hope all of you are well,