Monday, March 26, 2012

Phases of Our Lives

It's Spring here, my favorite season.  Another Phase!

I was thinking yesterday about PHASES. I was watching my daughter pester my husband to play with her while he was trying to eat lunch. As soon as he was done, they headed outside to swing and dig in the dirt- two of her favorite activities. I realized that soon enough, she is not going to want to play with us. She'll be too old, or we won't be cool enough, or she'll have friends that she prefers over us.

I've definitely starting thinking of life in PHASES. Right now, we are suddenly in a phase where the kids are sleeping better. I've started to set my clock to wake up an hour earlier, so that I can work. I know that this will work for a while, until this phase is over. Something will change, something will happen, and then next thing you know, we are in a different phase.

And this applies to our lives, in general. Right now, we are in a phase that's all about kids, birthday parties, dinnertime and bathtime. I watch my favorite grandfather, who is nearing 90, and he's in a different phase of his life. I think about our babysitter, and she's in yet another phase, one where she doesn't even have kids yet.

 All of this "phase thinking" has helped me to be present and to be more understanding of what our lives are Right Now. Because one thing is true- it's all going to change. Just wait. I think I feel a sculpture coming on.... Entitled PHASES.

 Have a great day~ Kelly


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes Kelly, life is all about phases...Love each one because it will go soon. We usually think the current phase is least this happened to me when my sons were just kids. Now, with three adults with their own lives and two grandchildren, this phase issue is different. I try to enjoy each moment knowing that it will not last forever. You know...Enjoying the Ride. It is always good to hear from you! Have a lovely week! Love to know you will create a piece with this theme in mind...Can't wait to see whats coming up!
